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杨邦胜設計集團 - 設計 - 中装新網-中國建筑装飾协會官方網站









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2023-7-19 23:50:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Company Profile

杨邦胜設計團體(简称YANG)是一家享誉全世界的大型創意設計企業,專注國际高端品牌旅店室内設計,总部位于中國深圳,并在巴黎、纽约設有處事機構。1997年由亚太聞名旅店設計師杨邦胜師长教師創建,會聚全世界500余名設計精英,在國际旅店設計范畴获得骄人成就,2018年荣登美國《INTERIOR DESIGN》旅店設計百大排名全世界第五。

YANG & Associates Group (YANG for short) is a global renowned large-scale creative design enterprise, specialising on the interior design of international high-end brand hotels. It is headquartered in Shenzhen, China, and has offices in Paris and New York. Founded in 1997 by Mr. Yang Bangsheng, who is a well-known designer in the Asia Pacific hospitality design, YANG consists of more than 500 design elites worldwide and achieves impressive results in the field of international hospitality design. In 2018, YANG was ranked fifth in the TOP 100 global hospitality design firms in the "INTERIOR DE燒燙傷治療SIGN" magazine.


As China’s e高雄外送茶,arliest large-scale design enterprise with Class A qualification, YANG has a sound organizational structure and quality management system, and is the first to propose the “All-in-One” design concept integrating architecture, landscape, interior design, M&E and lighting, and provides “One-Stop” service for FF&E design supplies, which can ensure a perfect presentation of the project as well as effectively control budgets. At the same time, based on forward-looking conce卡莉娛樂城,pt and highly creative state-of-the-art design, YANG brings values to clients and creates many urban cultural cards and has received accolades from international management groups and the hospitality design industry.

YANG作為中國文化個性旅店設計的领航者,始终對峙地區文化、东方美學的國际表达,精品倍出,获奖無数。前後得到“全世界出色設計大奖之最好旅店設計”,和素有旅店設計“奥斯卡”之称GOLD KEY AWARD“最好度假旅店”等國际櫻花茶包,海内知名大奖310余項。

As the leader of China’s culturally distinctive hospitality design, YANG always adheres to the international expression of local cultures and oriental aesthetics. With many excellent projects, YANG has received more than 310 domestic and global 線上百家樂,awards, such as IIDA Global Excellence Award in Hotels Category, the Gold Key Awards in Best Resort Category, and so on.

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隆乳手術, 親子溝通, 商務中心, 通馬桶, 鞋工廠, 跨境電商, 品牌設計, 加盟創業, 高壓清洗國際旅遊台北當舖, 台北市當舖, 醫學美容, 高雄小額借款, 日本旅遊包車,

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